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Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2012;14(1):21-29.
Mini Mental Status Examination-K1 인지영역 측정치 분석: 연령, 교육수준, 성별의 영향
Effects of Age, Education, and Gender on Domain-specific Cogntive Scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination-K1
Kim, Yongsuk
This study was done to examine the effects of age, education, and gender on 7 cognitive components of Mini-Mental State Examination-Korean version 1 (MMSE-K1).
Effects of age, education, and gender on 7 cognitive components of MMSE-K1 were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation coefficient with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 18.0 program. Participants were 740 Korean middle-aged and older adults. Partial correlations were computed to control for significant correlations among demographic variables.
Effects of age ranged from 0.0 to 7.0% across 7 cognitive components of MMSE-K1 and were highest in the component of orientation for time. Effects of education ranged from 0.5 to 21.5% across 7 cognitive components and tended to be higher for attention & calculation. Effects of gender ranged from .0 to .5% across 7 cognitive components and were relatively high in measures of information (male > female) except for registration (female > male). Total effects of age, education and gender ranged from 1.1 to 32.5%.
These results provided useful information about MMSE-K1 when it is used as a screening instrument for dementia. Also the findings should contribute to early detection, prevention and prognosis assessment of dementia in middle-aged and elderly people.
Key words: Cognitive function, Age, Education, Gender
Key words: 노인, 인지기능, 연령, 교육, 성별
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