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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2012;14(3):151-161.
손상으로 입원한 노인의 손상 관련 특성과 손상 중증도 영향요인 분석: 퇴원손상심층조사 자료를 이용하여
Analysis of Risk Factors and Injury Patterns in Geriatric Trauma Patients: Based on the In-depth Injury Patient Surveillance System Data
Jeon, Hye Jin · Choi, Young Eun
This study was carried out to identify the characteristics and risk factor of geriatric trauma.
Based on the in-depth Injury Patient Surveillance System data from 2006 to 2008, 11,514 geriatric patients were identified from the system data of 67,688 patients. The New Injury Severity Score [NISS] was used to analyse parametric factors. Data were analyzed with the SPSS 19.0 program.
NISS of elderly people between the ages of 65 and 74 was lower than that of people 75 and over. The severity of geriatric trauma in these patients was related to gender (male), residence (urban), intentional accidents, and poisoning. Femur fractures, lumbar spine, and pelvis fractures were most common diagnosis in these patients. Men had more frequent head traumas than women.
The findings indicate a need for public health education programs that include safety and health behavior in the home area of geriatric populations. Nurses should also provide more information related to first aid and regional medical facilities for emergency care, and when health care providers assess elderly trauma patients, they should consider the specific situations of older people.
Key words: Aged, Injury severity score, Risk factors
Key words: 노인, 손상 중증도 점수, 위험 요인
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