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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2013;15(1):1-10.
노인 암 환자의 수술 의사결정참여에 대한 영향요인
Factors Influencing Older Patients' Participation in Decision Making Regarding Cancer Surgery
Lee, Hew-Jeong · Yang, Jin-Hyang
There has been much debate over the participation of patients in decision making regarding treatment, and an increasing emphasis has been placed on patient autonomy. This study was done to identify factors associated with older patients' participation in cancer surgery decision making.
The research was a cross-sectional, descriptive design using questionnaires. The participants were 150 patients with cancer who had embarked on surgical treatment in two tertiary hospitals. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression with the SPSS statistics 19.0 program.
There were statistically significant differences in participation in decision making regarding surgery by gender, age, and spouse. Stepwise multiple regression analysis for participation in decision making regarding surgery revealed that the most powerful predictor was intelligibility about the surgery. Intelligibility about the surgery and gender explained 33.0% of the variance.
The results indicate a need to improve intelligibility about the surgery with these participants. The findings also suggest that consideration be given to characteristics of gender, age, and spouse in developing strategies for enhancing intelligibility about the surgery and developing programs to promote participation in decision making regarding surgery among older patients with cancer.
Key words: Aged, Cancer, Surgery, Decision making, Patient participation
Key words: 노인, , 수술, 의사결정, 환자참여
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