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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2013;15(1):11-20.
여성노인의 증상관리에 대한 부정적 신념과 관련요인이 자기효능감에 미치는 영향
Factors related to Negative Beliefs about Symptom Management and Their Influence on Self-efficacy in
Yeom, Hyun-E
The purposes of this study were to examine the factors associated with age-related negative beliefs about symptom management and to investigate the influence of age-related negative beliefs about symptom management on self-efficacy among community-dwelling older women.
For this study a descriptive design was used with a convenience sample of 134 older women. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses.
The mean score for age-related negative beliefs about symptom management was 3.25. The level of age-related negative beliefs about symptom management was significantly different according to demographic characteristics including age, education, marital and living status and a diagnosis of chronic illnesses such as osteoarthritis and diabetes. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that, after controlling for the covariates, the level of age-related negative beliefs about symptom management was a significant factor decreasing self-efficacy (β=-.233, p= .012).
The results of this study indicate that there is a detrimental influence of age-related negative beliefs about symptom management on self-efficacy. The findings imply a need for nursing interventions to modify negatively stereotyped beliefs in managing symptoms and to facilitate positive attitudes about aging by older adults.
Key words: Aging, Stereotypes, Symptom management, Self-efficacy
Key words: 노화, 편견, 증상관리, 자기효능감
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