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Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2001;3(1):7-21.
복지관과 경로당 노인의 건강상태 및 건강서비스 요구
은영, 구미옥, 김은심, 강영실
The purposes of this study were to investigate the health status and health promoting behaviors and compare the need for health related social services for older people in the senior welfare center (SWC) and the senior citizens' clubs (SCC). The data were gathered from April to May, 2000. The subjects were registered and regularly attended the SWC and SCC. The research method was a survey using a questionnaire. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The number in the sample was 284, consisting of 145 people at SWC and 139 at SCC. The mean age of the sample was 70.75. The number of males, married status, employed status, and self-earning were greater at SWC, while the mean age was younger and the educational level was higher at SWC. 2. The health status of the elderly and the responsibility of the health was "so, so," and there was no difference between the two groups. But the health concern, the recognition of aging and the satisfaction of aging were more positive from the SWC subjects than from the SCC subjects. 3. The mean score of health promoting behavior was 9.31(range 0-17) at SWC and 8.96 at SCC. There was no difference between the two groups, but the scores on exercise, health assessment, management of stress, and maintenance of sexual relationship were higher at SWC than from those subjects at SCC. 4. The needs for health education at SWC from greatest to least, in order were: the prevention of dementia, the maintenance of memory and mental ability, and nutrition and exercise of the elderly, and finally the preparation for death of self and others. The needs for health education at SCC in order were: the prevention of dementia, nutrition, exercise of the elderly, and the health problems and self care of the elderly, with the least being emotional problems, such as loneliness, isolation, and depression, and the preparation for death of self and others. The needs for health related services at SWC were in order from greatest to least: consultation of health, diagnosis and treatment of disease, health education, and at SCC, the order was: health assessment, evaluation of health risk factors, management of chronic disease, and consultation of health status. 5. There was no difference between the two groups in health educational needs. The score of health related service needs at SWC was significantly higher than at SCC. In conclusion, the elderly at SWC were more positive and active in their pursuit of the maintenance and promotion of health than the elderly at SCC. So, for the elderly at SWC, we recommend developing a program for health education and service consisting of prevention of dementia, nutrition and exercise, health problems and self-care of the elderly, and consultation about health. For the elderly at SCC, first of all, we have to develop a program increasing interests and responsibilities for their own health and then a program promoting memory and mental ability, nutrition and exercise, and self care of health problems.
Key words: 노인, 노인건강교육, 건강상태, 건강서비스, 경로당, 복지관
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