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Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2002;4(2):195-206.
은퇴자의 은퇴 후 삶의 상태변화 예측요인
한희자, 강은실, 백설향
In our modern society where labor-oriented values are prevalent, retirement has a very important meaning for individual and society. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in life style after retirement. The participants were 230 retirees who were not employed full-time nor in any regular service job. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and were analyzed using by SPSS. Significant factors influencing the physical condition of retired elderly were present health status, previous occupation, person in charge of living expenses, degree of emotional and socioeconomic changes, and method for meeting living expenses (r=51.9%). Factors influencing emotional and socioeconomic life style changes were degree of change in spiritual condition, sex. and plan and preparation for retirement (r=63.1%). Factors significantly influencing spiritual life style changes included degree of emotional and socioeconomic change, religion, sex, and methods of preparing living expenses (r=63.1%). It was found that retirement may bring about changes in life style as well as an interaction of physical, emotional, socioeconomic and spiritual factors. As a result, assessment and interventions to improve life style of retired elderly people should focus on these factors.
Key words: 노인, 은퇴
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