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Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2003;5(1):7-16.
노인의 건강증진행위, 생활만족도 및 가족지지와의 관계 연구
최은영, 김지영, 김혜숙
This study was done to describe the correlation among elders' health promoting behavior, life satisfaction and family support. The subjects were 150 elders over the age of 65, who participated in 2 welfare centers and 2 senior citizen's center located in Gwangju. The instruments for this study were the health promoting behavior scale designed by Kim, Hyo-Jung (1996), the life satisfaction scale designed by Yun Jin (1982) and family support scale designed by Gang Hyun-Sook. The data was analyzed with means, SD, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test and Pearson's correlation coefficients using the SPSS program. The results of this study are as follow. The scores for health promoting behavior ranged from 73 to 164 with a mean score of 122.69. In the sub-dimensions of health promoting behavior, the participants reported the highest level in the regular diet domain, and the lowest level in the stress management domain. The scores for life satisfaction ranged from 22 to 60. with a mean of 43,81. The scores for family support ranged from 13 to 50. with a mean score of 36.28. There was a significant difference for health promoting behavior according to education level, family living together and residence pattern. The relationship between general characteristics of the elders and life satisfaction which had significant differences were education level, occupation, pocket money and residence pattern, The relationship between general characteristics of the elders and family support which had significant differences were education level, family living together, pocket money and residence pattern. Health promoting behavior had a showed significant positive correlation with life satisfaction and family support. According to this study, there is a conspicu close correlation among health promoting behavi satisfaction and family support. Therefore promoting programs that increase life satisfactio family support should be developed to promo healthy lifestyle for elderly people.
Key words: 건강증진행위, 생활만족도, 가족지지
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