Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2004;6(2):156-162.
남성 노인의 성생활과 우울과의 관계
정연강, 안승례, 전미순
Purpose This study was to identify the relationship between sexual life and depression in the elderly male. Method: The subjects were 136 of over-60-year-old male in Seoul. Data was collected by questionnaire surveys from September to October, 2001. Data was analyzed by the SPSS 10.0 program, using descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Result 69(50.7%) out of 136 elderly male are having sex. The average of sexual recognition is 2.02 out of 5, and depression is 1.73 out of 5. The relationship between sexual recognition and depression had a negative correlation(r=-.295, p=.000). Of the sexual recognition, sexual desires was negative correlation(r=-.413, p=.000) with depression, but sexual importance was only positive correlation (r =.713, p=.000). Conclusion These results suggested to assess these factors and give a treatment fitted to elderly's need for sexual satisfaction. There should be repeated researches on the elderly female.