Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2004;6(2):163-169.
노인의 아로마 하지 마사지 후의 우울, 희망, 활보장에 관한 연구
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aroma leg massage on the depression and hope, stride length in the elderly. Method: A quasi- experimental study, control group, pretest- posttest design was used. The data were collected during the period of December 7th, 2003 to April 28th, 2004. The subjects were 41 elderly consisting of 21 for experimental group and 20 for control group. The aroma leg massage using lavenda, camomile, lemon, rose was given to the experimental group only. The contents of aroma leg massage were consisted of twice in 3 weeks, total duration of 7 weeks, three times a week, twenty minute at one time. The data were analysed by x²-test, paired t test and unpaired t test through SPSS program. Result There were significant differences in the depression and stride length, but not significant differences in hope between the two groups. Conclusion The aroma leg massage was proved as positive effects on depression and stride length. Therefore, this aroma leg massage can be safely applied to the elderly. However, to get more verified results, it is needed repeated follow up study and comparative study of aroma and massage effect.