Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2004;6(2):202-215.
재가노인의 생활만족에 관한 구조모형 분석
Purpose This study is to look into, model, and verify the factors which affect the life satisfaction of elderly home residents. Method: The questionnaire research was conducted for elderly home residents aged over 60 years old living in 'M' city over the period between Aug 1, 2003 and Sept 30. A total of 274 questionnaires were used for analysis. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis as the data analysis method used SPSSWIN 11.0 program, and Windows LISREL program (v8.12a) was used to investigate the causal relationship between measurement variables. Result It was found that the hypothetical model exactly corresponded to actual data overall, and of 14 paths selected in the hypothetical model, 7 hypotheses were accepted as their direct effect was recognized. A total of eight hypotheses were accepted, including partially supported hypotheses due to the accepted overall effect and total effect. It was found that IADL, social support and self-respect had a significant effect on elderly home residents' empowerment and accounted for 53% of empowerment. But powerless did not exert an effect on empowerment. It was found that IADL and self-esteem had a significant effect on elderly home residents' health behavior and had the explanatory power of 42%. That is, the higher level of IADL and self-esteem indicates their good health behavior. But social support and powerlessness was the variable that did not exert a significant effect on health behavior. It was found that such variables as health behavior, IADL and self-esteem had an effect on life satisfaction and had the explanatory power of 44%. That is, the higher level of health behavior. IADL and better self-esteem implied the higher level of life satisfaction. But it was found that empowerment, social support and powerlessness did not have a significant effect on life satisfaction. Conclusion It can be said that the life satisfaction path model of elderly home residents is the model that is concise and of high explanatory power. It is necessary to increase IADL, self-esteem and health behavior in order to enhance elderly home residents' life satisfaction. It is necessary to develop the strategy that can enhance their IADL and self-esteem that become the important factor of health behavior.