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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2011;13(2):142-153.
한국판 지역사회 건강노인 신체활동 측정도구 (K-CHAMPS)의 신뢰도와 타당도
Reliability and Validity of K-CHAMPS Questionnaire for Older Koreans
Lim, Kyung-Choon
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the Korean version of Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors Questionnaire (K-CHAMPS).
A convenience sample of 423 older Koreans were interviewed twice (two-week interval). Test-retest reliability, content validity, and construct validity were assessed using the SPSS program.
The 41 item K-CHAMPS was developed through linguistic validation and cultural adaptation. Test-retest reliability was .96 for all listed physical activities and .95 for the least moderate intensity physical activities. Factor analysis resulted in 10 factors; playing tennis, swimming, strength training, light activity, outdoor gardening, general exercises, vigorous activity, moderate activity, playing golf, and dance. These 10 factors explained 60.1% of total variance and construct validity was confirmed. The caloric expenditure per week was 2,485±2,363.4) for all listed activities and 1,252±1,904.7 for the least moderate intensity activities. The frequency per week was 15.5±11.9 for all listed activities and 4.8±6.7 for the least moderate intensity activities. Men were more active than women.
Results indicate that K-CHAMPS is valid and reliable to measure physical activity. Interventions promoting increased activity through the use of existing community resources may help increase physical activity in older Koreans.
Key words: Older adults, Physical activity, Questionnaire, Reliability, Validity
Key words: 노인, 신체활동, 질문지, 신뢰도, 타당도
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