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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2012;14(2):129-141.
국내 치매노인을 위한 비약물요법 중재연구 동향분석
Analysis of Trends in Non-pharmacological Studies for Elders with Dementia in Korea
Kim, Chunmi · Park, Myung Sook · Kim, Seonho
The objective of this study was to analyze trends in non-pharmacological intervention studies conducted with Korean elders with dementia.
This was a literature review study and 159 studies carried out between January 1990 and June 30, 2011 and using non-pharmacological interventions were analyzed. Data were collected from June to September, 2011 by searching databases, KERIS & KISS, and the National Assembly Digital Library.
The results of analysis were as follows; 1) Since 2006, various intervention studies have been conducted with Korean elders who have dementia. 2) Of the intervention studies, 63.5% were quasi?experimental studies. None of them were RCTs. 3) Among non-pharmacological therapies, sensation centered therapies were most common, followed by cognition?centered therapies and emotion?centered therapies. 4) For the majority of the studies, the outcome variable of the interventions was cognitive function, and significant results were obtained in 70.6% of studies evaluating cognitive functions.
These results show that research designs were not significantly elaborate and intervention programs were confined to specific areas such as sensation?centered therapies. Therefore further research is needed to identify scientific grounds for the effects of the interventions through strict research methods and various non-pharmacological therapies.
Key words: Dementia, Aged, Intervention, Trends
Key words: 국문: 치매, 노인, 중재, 동향
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