노인요양시설 간호제공자를 위한 웹기반 억제대 사용 감소 교육 프로그램 개발과 평가 |
공은희 |
Development and Evaluation of a Web-based Education Program to Reduce Restraint Use for Nursing Home Caregivers |
Kong, Eun-Hi |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was done to develop and evaluate a web-based education program to reduce restraint use
by nursing caregivers in nursing homes. Methods A web-based education program was developed and the effect
was examined using a randomized, single-blind, control-group pretest-posttest design. Seventy-six nursing caregivers
in one nursing home participated in this study (38 in the experimental group and 38 in the control group).
The experimental group received the web-based education which consisted of six sessions. Data were collected
at baseline and postintervention using three instruments to measure nursing caregivers' knowledge, perception,
and attitudes to restraints. Results Demographic and dependent variables did not differ between the two groups.
There were statistically significant effects of the web-based education on nursing caregiver's knowledge (t=6.59,
p<.001), perception (t=-3.54, p=.001), and attitudes (t=2.58, p=.012; t=-2.51, p=.014) regarding restraints.
Conclusion The results indicate that web-based education is an effective intervention to improve nursing caregivers'
knowledge, perception, and attitudes regarding restraints. Future study needs to investigate effects of the
web-based education on the reduction of restraint use, and to compare the effects of web-based education with
effects of other interventions. |
Key words:
Education, Physical restraint, Caregiver, Nursing home |
Key words:
교육, 신체적 억제대, 간호제공자, 요양원 |