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Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2001;3(1):111-120.
농촌 노인들의 농부증에 관한 연구
박대식, 김화순
The main purposes of this study are as follows: 1) to investigate the current conditions of farmer's syndrome and the related factors'. 2) to suggest some measures to improve the health level of the rural elderly. The major research method employed was a field survey. The field survey was administered to the residents of four villages. From September through October, 2000, one-hundred and five elderly farmers aged 60 or older were interviewed individually using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, χ² analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used to organize and summarize the data of this field survey. The most frequent symptom was lumbago (61.0%); the second was shoulder stiffness (44.8%) ; the third was paresthesia of the hands or feet (42.0%). The prevalence of farmer's syndrome was 50.5%. In the cross-tabulation analysis, the place of residence, education, and sex were significant variables. In the multiple regression analysis, education and sex turned out to be significant variables. That is, the farmer's syndrome was higher in elderly with lower education status and in females.
Key words: 농부증, 농촌노인
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