Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2010;12(2):95-107.
혈액투석노인의 스트레스와 건강관련 삶의 질과의 관계에서 자아존중감의 조절효과
Purpose This study was conducted in order to investigate the relationship between stress in elderly patients on
renal dialysis and health-related quality of life, especially the moderating effect of self-esteem. Methods The
structural equation model was tested by setting the stress of elderly patients on renal dialysis as a prediction
variable, their health-related quality of life as an outcome variable and their self-esteem as a moderating variable.
The participants were 443 patients from Seoul and Gyeonggi province who were over 65 years of age and on
renal dialysis. Measurement tools were health-related quality of life, stress, and self-esteem scales. Statistical
descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, reliability analysis, Scheffe?test and multiple regression
analysis were used to analyze the data. Results For these patients, stress had a significant negative correlation
with health-related quality of life and self-esteem had a significant positive correlation. The level of self-esteem
plays a moderating role in the relationship between stress and health-related quality of life among elderly renal
dialysis patients. Conclusion The results indicate that interventions that are effective in increasing self-esteem
can help these patients cope with stress and increase their health-related quality of life.