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J Korean Gerontol Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 2013;15(3):246-256.
시설거주 노인들의 성행동에 대한 케어기버의 반응
Caregiver Response regarding Sexual Behavior of Elderly Residents in Long-term Care Facilities
Son, Ye Dong · Kang, Hee Sun
The purpose of this study was to explore the sexual behavior of elderly residents and long-term care facility caregivers' response to this behavior.
A qualitative descriptive study was conducted using focus groups and in-depth interviews with a total of 30 caregivers from long-term care facilities. Data were collected from April to May 2013 and analyzed using content analysis.
The main types of sexual behavior displayed by elderly residents in long-term care facilities were verbal or physical, either with or without physical contact. Caregivers' responses to sexual behavior of elderly residents varied depending on the type of sexual behaviors and the targeted persons. There were few guidelines or regulations related to sexual behavior in long-term care facilities.
The results indicate a need for caregiver education on elderly sexuality and potential sexual behavior, as well as ways to assist elderly residents in meeting their needs. It is important for caregivers to know how to minimize unwanted sexual contact from residents, while maximizing sexual rights of residents. Guidelines or regulations at both institutional and governmental levels would help. These efforts should improve the quality of care and life for elderly residents in long-term care facilities.
Key words: Sexual behavior, Caregivers, Aged, Long-term care
Key words: 성행동, 케어기버, 노인, 노인요양시설
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