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J Korean Gerontol Nurs > Volume 16(3):2014 > Article

Original Article

J Korean Gerontol Nurs. 2014 Dec;16(3):210-219. Korean.
Published online Dec 31, 2014.  http://dx.doi.org/10.17079/jkgn.2014.16.3.210
© 2014 Korean Gerontological Nursing Society
A Comparison of Social Support, Depression, and Qualify of Life in Adults and Elders Who have Undergone Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Jiyoung Kim*
Division of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

*Corresponding author: Kim, Jiyoung. Division of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-750, Korea. Tel: +82-2-3277-4588, Fax: +82-2-3277-2850, Email: jy1223.kim@gmail.com
Received March 19, 2014; Revised June 19, 2014; Accepted October 05, 2014.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.



This study was done to compare social support, depression and quality of life (QoL) in adult (under 65) and elderly (over 65) patients who had coronary artery bypass surgery.


Participants were 66 adult and 68 elderly patients who completed questionnaires on social support, depression and QoL. Data were collected from December, 2011 to January 2012 and analyzed using χ2-test, t-test, and Pearson's correlation.


The adults' physical QoL scores were significantly higher than those of the elders (t=2.58, p=.011). However, the average difference between physical and mental QoL based on age, after controlling for gender, showed that there was no significant difference in QoL between adults and elders. In adults, significant negative correlations were found between depression and social support (r=-.41, p<.001), physical QoL (r=-.48, p<.001), and mental QoL (r=-.56, p<.001), and significant positive correlation between social support and mental QoL (r=.25, p=.047). In elders, significant negative correlations were found between depression and social support (r=-.43, p<.001), physical QoL (r=-.45, p<.001), and mental QoL (r=-.56, p<.001), and significant positive correlation between social support and mental QoL (r=.28, p=.019).


Age-differentiated nursing intervention programs should be developed, and studies should be conducted to verify effectiveness of programs.

Keywords: Coronary artery bypass, Social support, Depression, Qualify of life, Elderly.


Table 1
Difference in General Characteristics of Adults and Elders (N=134)

Table 2
Clinical Characteristics of the Adults and Elders (N=134)

Table 3
Social Support, Depression, and Quality of Life in Adults and Elders (N=134)

Table 4
Quality of Life of Adults and Elders after Controlling for Gender (N=134)

Table 5
Correlations among Social Support, Depression, and Quality of Life in Adults and Elders (N=134)

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